KAI National Championship 25th to 27th August '2021'. and International Online Karate Camp exclusively from Japan on 29th of August, 2021
IHSKFI and MKAI – Federation / Association are going to search the real KARATE talent and classical KARATE athlete, through “Online Karate Compitition, 18th, May, 2020”.

Welcome to International Hayashi-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation of India (IHSKFI) for Kolkata District and Martial Arts of Karate-Do Association of India (MKAI) for Kolkata District.

Welcome to all new comers from Branch / Individuals / Clubs or Unit for Joining and becoming an Affiliated / General Member of our IHSKFI & MKAI team. We offer affiliation to Individual Instructor’s and or groups that choose to affiliate with us. We are looking forward in future with a renewed focus and vision. IHSKFI / MKAI for Kolkata District conducting seminars, camp, workshop, tournament and examination throughout in District, State, India and abroad.

Our Mentors

Teruo Hayashi

Hayashi Teruo – Soke Hanshi 10th Dan Okinawa Kobudo Kenshin-Ryu. J.K.F. Official Master “Hanshi” 9th Dan.

Julius Thiry (Hanshi)

Julius Thiry was born in Budapest, Hungary and escaped to Austria as an anti-communist Freedom Fighter in 1956

Shihan Subrata Kumar Ghosh

Founder President / Chairman of Technical and Administration

Our Classes

07:30 am - 10:00 am
Railway Institute, BNR, Garden Reach.

BNR TT Hall | Wednesday

06:30 pm - 08:30 pm
Railway Institute, BNR, Garden Reach.

Private Class | Tuesday

07:00 pm - 08:30 pm


India Karate Academy Memories

Message / Testimonials

The best place to learn Sports & Traditional Karate under the guidance of my beloved guru my Sensei Bapi Parida. OSS

Nadim Akhtar

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